South preparations begin in earnest

The London Club

The London Club

Home to two world class courses, the London Club in Kent was the fortunate venue selected by the South to host a team get-together a week or two ago. In fact, given their wide and varied commitments, this was captain Pete Burke’s last opportunity to get the whole group together prior to the upcoming match. The players descended on Kent from far and wide and were rewarded with a fair, if chilly, late March day on which to trial a few pairings, discuss a few tactics and just generally spend some time gelling into the purposeful unit which Burke expects them to be come the big day.

Playing on The International, a fine downlands course which hosted a PGA event as recently as 2014, the twelve were paired up by Burke for the front nine in partnerships which he believes can maximise their effectiveness in Fourball play. Then it was all change on the way back, as the captain showed his hand in terms of his intentions for the Foursomes. Of course the details of these pairings cannot be divulged here but they looked well thought through and, with the odd tweak, will probably be seen again come May.

South Captain, gelling with one of his Vices

South Captain, gelling with one of his Vices

Although everyone played well, there were certainly noticeable differences in match-readiness amongst the South players – not surprising given that some had opted for a winter break and are just gearing up their training now, whereas others, hardier individuals, have kept up their levels right through the colder months. No doubt all will be aiming to peak at the right time. Individual Stableford scores (kept solely for on-the-day gambling purposes) told a very positive story with 10 of the 12 breaking 30 points, and 4 or 5 up at around the 40 mark, including best of the day, fresh from his September victory in the Calco Cup: Jim Holliday.

1st hole of The International course

1st hole of The International course

To finish the day Burke took the opportunity to confirm this group as his final official team for 2017. With just two rookies there is continuity here, and a wealth of Ryder Cup experience. There are a few with great achievements to build on, and a few with past wrongs to right; there is a mix of abilities and of styles; but what these twelve share for certain is a burning desire to take the Cup. The team in full reads as follows.

Peter Burke, Captain
Kevin Ulla, Vice-Captain
Gavin Whitworth, Vice-Captain
David Bell
Paul Ephremsen
Jason Heath
Jim Holliday
Martin Johnstone
Ben Moyle
Paul Rich
Terry Saunders
Mark Wallis

Burke, in one of many rousing addresses, declared that “[w]e have a great team with a fantastic opportunity to make history. If we win this one, our children and our children’s children … will talk about the legend of the magnificent Southern twelve who came saw and conquered the North!”

South Team

Hostilities will commence on May 19th at Close House, a tremendous looking venue in the very far north of England. Prior to that we hope soon to receive confirmation from North captain Steve Tattersfield of his final twelve, and not long after that an announcement concerning handicaps. All will appear here as and when available.