Category Archives: 2005

Celebrations Begin After North Victory

Celebrations begin

Celebrations begin

Celebrations continued late into the night at Oulton Hall following the North’s famous victory and capture of the Cup. Drinking had begun as early as teatime with an impromptu gathering at the clubhouse bar, where players from both sides mixed freely as they welcomed the last Singles matches off the 18th, the North’s win Continue reading

Play Report: North Victorious 12½ – 3½

It wasn't that close, seriously

It wasn’t that close, seriously

By close of play Saturday the North had secured victory and taken the Cup for the first time in its short history. The scoreline, apparently so comfortable, was perhaps a little unkind to the South, who had attempted to mount a brave rearguard action in the Singles but finally capitulated.

Things had begun ominously for the South as the opening Fourballs, Friday morning, saw a North whitewash averted only by a dogged Continue reading

The Course & Venue

The hotel noticeboard welcomes the gallant South

The hotel noticeboard welcomes the gallant South

After much searching the North selected the De Vere Oulton Hall hotel as the venue for the 2005 event. The hotel itself is a spectacular Grade II listed building set in the beautiful Yorkshire countryside just a few miles south of Leeds. It survives as an impressive reminder of the once considerable power & prestige of the north – symbolism that was surely not lost on team South as they arrived on Thursday evening.

The southerners were readily welcomed by friendly and helpful staff and spent the evening over Continue reading