Celebrations Begin After North Victory

Celebrations begin

Celebrations begin

Celebrations continued late into the night at Oulton Hall following the North’s famous victory and capture of the Cup. Drinking had begun as early as teatime with an impromptu gathering at the clubhouse bar, where players from both sides mixed freely as they welcomed the last Singles matches off the 18th, the North’s win having been easily confirmed midway through the afternoon.

Players then retired to their rooms (and some to the jacuzzi), albeit briefly, to re-appear in time for cocktails prior to the celebratory dinner in Oulton Hall’s splendid restaurant. Whilst they lost the Cup, there is little doubt that the South would have won any sartorial match-up, emerging as they did wittily attired in bowler hats and chomping on cigars.

South emerge, dressed for dinner and ready to give up the trophy

South emerge, dressed for dinner and ready to give up the trophy

After dinner there were speeches aplenty, certain awards were distributed, some more welcome than others, and finally the ceremonial handing over over the trophy. Captain Forster of the North had generous words for the South but did not stint in his praise of his own players, singling out Marcus & Callaghan in particular. Batch rejoindered, understandably briefly, but conducted himself well.

North parade the trophy

North parade the trophy

The final formal business of the evening was the official installation of the new captains for the 2007 renewal, who were revealed as Hooley for the holders (Forster to Vice-, a reversal of this year’s successful teaming) and Bell for the South (Hordern to be Vice-Captain). The incoming captains shook hands and promised to uphold the spirit of the event, before play transferred to the hotel bar and the players were at last able to let down their hair.