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50 thoughts on “

  1. admin Post author

    Can’t believe Fearny got away without a mention of 2017 singles in Mark’s little review of him!

  2. admin Post author

    Well why not my prediction too then, for the record.
    4b 3-3
    4s 2-4
    S 6-6
    So 11-13 overall!
    Look forward to seeing everyone

  3. Daz Mountain

    I think this one is going to be very close, and as always the defining session will be the singles. If it’s a very tight 1st day which we all hope is the case, then the draw could be the deciding factor in the singles. History goes against a team losing the 1st day as the leading captain has more choice with their order, as you know the other team has to go strong at the top end.

    One thing is for certain, it’s going to be tense, exciting & fingers crossed for loads of drama.

    Here’s my predictions.

    Fourballs N 4 – 2 South
    Foursomes N 2.5 – 3.5 South
    Singles N 6.5 – 5.5 South

    A narrow win of 13-11 to the North 🙂

    See you all Thursday.

  4. Gav Whitworth

    Yes… have seen your prediction Steve. Just to echo Davids comment…. plus not sure about your maths!!! You must be getting giddy… hope you remember to count all your shots properly!
    My prediction…. N2…S4 in the Fourballs
    N3….. S3 in the Foursomes
    Singles; N 6…. S6
    A South Team taking the Trophy home after a 13:11 win…..
    Do you want to put something on it?

  5. Steve Hardwick

    Foursomes N3 -1S
    Fourballs N3 -1S
    Singles N7 – 5S North to win 13 – 7!! I wonder if anyone will notice my prediction before the tournament. This is where the banter should be!!! Well done Dave, great site. Two weeks to go, Yeeahhh

  6. Daz Mountain

    Just over a week to go until another Northern domination, Steve’s that confident of another victory that he’s gone and got an estate car so he has plenty of space to carry the trophy home!

    Looking forwad to seeing some old & new faces & to a cracking weekend of good (ish) golf, good food, good wine & beer & lots of banter. Come on your Northern boys!!!!

  7. Mark Wallis

    Less than 3 weeks to go boys!! looking forward to a Southern masterclass..think the bookies make us short priced favourites?

  8. Phil lister

    Just an update for you southerners 🙂 graham Copley has had to pull out due to a back injury so I have given the chance to another rookie in rob Flemming

  9. Gavin Whitworth; Team South Captain

    Just thought I would drop a quick chip in…..what with the Masters about to start and summer at last with us! Hope you are all looking forward to this years 7th Ryder Cup Challenge, and I know you are all going to love St. Mellion. The set up and the courses are just fantastic and you will all love playing them! I know Steve Hardwick as always wanted to play here and if the weather is good then it will be just amazing, and the 18th hole will make an amazing finish to the final day for the singles right by the bar!!!! Lets hope for another great event with a close finish going down to the wire. Looking forward to seeing you all in May! Come on Rory!!!!!

  10. David Post author

    I just realised a paragraph from Saturday play report covering the Oakes and Tatt victories had gone missing somehow – it has been restored!

  11. Steve Hardwick

    Nice one lads, great write up. Although I think you are a bit harsh on Paul Soanes Ben. His last put was a good 4 foot. Anyway there’s always 2015!!!

  12. Calla

    Hi guys, sorry to hear your trophyless journey home took so long due to the traffic and congestion. Police later confirmed that despite the major search on the A1 Mark Wallis (South’s) Tee shot could still not be found and David Bell finally picked up after hitting the central reservation 4 times.
    Maybe next time boys? High house pricesseem to be all you can offer, High moral however is something you cannot buy :-))))

  13. David

    Methodology for deciding top player for betting purposes: 1. overall points scored, 2. margin in singles, 3. margin in fourballs, 4. margin in foursomes 5. coin toss.

  14. David

    Damn right Ben, first day critical – if those northern tarts are not quick out of the blocks, it’s ours.
    Here’s some odds revisions: Ins: Gav to 16s, Hardwick to 28s Outs: Tatt to 52, Rick to 13/2.

  15. Ben Moyle

    Not that I’ve got nothing to do at work or anything but here’s some stats from the first 5 renewals of our beloved Ryder Cup:
    FOURBALLS- The North’s domination of the fourballs has been key, especially in 2011 when their 4-0 whitewash proved the difference in the end. The South have never won the fourballs outright with the North winning 3 times with 2 ties. Aggregate score a thumping 14-6.
    FOURSOMES- Again the North have the edge with 3 wins, including 2 whitewashes but the South did tie in 2011 and won in 2003. Aggregate score 14 1/2 – 5 1/2
    SINGLES- The South’s stronghold over the years which has led to some thrilling finales. The North have come out on top only once, in 2005s Oulton Park massacre, with the South winning 4 times. Aggregate score South 22 1/2 – 17 1/2 North
    CONCLUSION – If it’s tight after day one………THE CUP IS COMING HOME DOWN THE A1!!!

  16. Captain Wallis

    It’s a bit quiet on here Northern Boys!!

    Not long to go before we commence battle, MY TEAM IS READY TO BRING CUP BACK DOWN TO THE SOUTH!!

  17. Gavin Whitworth (Vice-Captain South)

    Well, what a week it has been; Chelsea became total Kings of Europe (for ten days), and me and the boys are off to Wembley to support our non-league team, the mighty Yeovil! Could they really be about to step into the Championship…hello Leeds…it may only last a season, but we will make the most of it!
    And so this time next week we will know who has the upper hand after the first days play and be recounting the ecstasy and agony from play on the Hawtree Course. The history books tell us that the North always have the edge at this stage, so a close margin will be key for us before we enter the singles and with 12 to a team this year who knows. The two teams assembled look excellent and I can’t wait for battle to commence and the first ball hit off the tee. Should be fireworks on all holes and the nineteenth (let us know when some of you Northern boys need tucking up in bed – we can leave a light on for you).
    Question is, can the South win the Ryder Cup………..”CORRECT”
    PS. Think Calla should check his postcode!
    Vice-Captain Whitworth (South)

  18. Stephen 'still not needed' Callaghan

    Nice site Dave, well done. Won’t be with you again this year boys, but it’s nothing to do with the pending arrival of a future Ryder cup winner. Simple fact is i was asked to play (due to experience & overall ratings) but in a meeting at the Cellar bar i simply to say no. It’s one thing beating The Southerners playing off 28 but to be asked if i could assist in ‘closing the victory gap’ by playing left handed was beyond even me. Left handed clubs costing £150 plus a top notch venue, beers, and a few lost bets would put this as a £2500 trip and we all know that kind of money is only spent onn the annual Calco Cup. Enjoy boys – don’t stay up too long as our house prices are just starting to rise and we don’t want people thinking gypsies are making a comeback in gods own county 🙂

  19. Mark Wallis (South captain)

    Only a week to go!! me, Kevin and Paul played today Paul (29 pts) looking good but sadly me and Kevin woeful!! Northern boys don’t build your hopes up, form is temporary class is permanent!!

    Sorry Simon Cole has had to miss this years renewal (wife expecting) and Ian Grundy is out (holiday commitments) but Martin Johnstone and Damien Thorngate step up as first reserves and will not let us down, two very solid players.

    Phil Lister has competition on the singing front as we are bringing up our very own ‘Elvis’ aka John Clements!

    Two slight mistakes on our handicaps (my fault) and emiled Jimmy a few days ago, Martin Johnstone 18 and Paul Soanes 22 (both official club handicaps) I see now total handicaps read:-
    North —219
    South — 215
    All makes for a very interesting event.

    Stand out price has to be Daz Mountain 16/1 for North and Gavin Whitworth 18/1 for South

    Counting the days down and can’t wait!

    Captain Wallis

  20. David

    So, odds. Some below. Ask me for anything else specific.
    Overall: North 5/6, South Evens, Tie 12/1
    Top scorer (will find a winner by countback somehow): Steve Tattersfield 9/2, Rick Oakes 6/1, Paul Ephremsen 10/1, Mark Wallis 12/1, Kevin Ulla 12/1, Daren Mountain 16/1, Peter Forster 18/1, Jack Horner 18/1, Joe Curley 18/1, Mark Wallis 18/1, Gavin Whitworth 18/1, Paul Soanes 18/1, Paul Rich 18/1, Jim Holliday 18/1, Martin Johnstone 18/1, Damien Thorngate 18/1, Jimmy Curley 20/1, Ben Moyle 20/1, Ady Clough 22/1, John Clements 22/1, Phil Lister 24/1, Graham Copley 28/1, Steve Hardwick 36/1, David Bell 50/1
    Specials: Daz to get three points 6/1; me to get zero points Evens; Foz to pull [on request only]

    1. Ulla is a banker

      Yes just looked at the stats list and can confirm Ulla is a banker (yes i said banker) 🙂
      Surely the stats list is upside down???Apparently not. No pressure Kevin but you are in the relegation zone mate. 2015 wouldn’t be the same without you!!! May have a punt on you to finish last and buy a small house with the proceeds :-))))))

  21. Daz Mountain

    Thats looking a very srong North line up this year boys, we might even be able to have Saturday off this time!!

  22. Steve & Foz

    Eyup Dave hope you are well mate and getting some well needed practicing in! Me and Foz would like to know if the book is up and running. Any odds available on individuals, over all score and so on. Catch ye soon mate.

  23. Steve & Foz

    Looks a good team, well at least good enough to carry our bags. Has ding dong found his clubs yet!! Only joking boys of course. Looking forward to the 6th Ryder Cup, below is our team:-

    Captain – Jimmy Curley
    Vice – Mark Wallis (north)
    Peter Forster
    Steve Hardwick
    Phil Lister
    Jack Horner
    Darren Mountain
    Ady Clough
    Graham Copley
    Rick Oakes – Rookie
    Steve Tattersfield – Rookie
    Joe Curley – Rookie

    I’m sure you’ll enjoy the excellent venue chosen by our captain this year, Rudding Park, in the picturesque village of Follyfoot. Looking forward to seeing you boys and have an enjoyable journey up north – cause you’ll have a terrible one on the way back!

  24. Captain Wallis

    Start the countdown!

    Team South chosen

    Mark Wallis – Captain
    Gavin Whitworth – Vice Captain
    Ben Molyes
    David Bell
    Simon Cole
    Ian Grundy
    Kevin Ulla
    Paul Ethremsen – rookie
    Paul Soanes – rookie
    Paul Rich – rookie
    Jim Holliday – rookie
    John ‘Elvis’ Clements – rookie

    Kevin our lowest handicapper at 14 but this is a team that will bring the Cup to the South!

    Bring it on!!


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