About the North versus South Ryder Cup Challenge

This is not, of course, the ‘real’ Ryder Cup, whose website you will find here, and hopefully they won’t mind us infringing all their copyrights like this. No, this is our own little team golf match, loosely based on the Ryder Cup format (minus the wives & girlfriends, natch).

Moyle conceives the Ryder Cup event

Moyle conceives the Ryder Cup event

The idea of the event was conceived jointly, we believe, by Ben Moyle and Steve Hardwick sometime during the last century and finally became a reality in 2003. Two teams of eight gentlemen, one drawn from the South and one from the North of England battle it out over two days and 54 holes of matchplay golf, foursomes and fourballs on the first day and singles on the second.

The standard of the players is, to say the least, mixed, ranging from genuine hackers (viz., the editor of this site) to quite decent single figure handicappers. In fact, the event is as much a social occasion as a sporting one and has proved a tremendous success. We firmly hope that the bi-annual renewals will continue for many years to come.

The editor can be contacted here with any questions, queries or comments.