Author Archives: admin

North rehearse at Close House, team confirmed

Close House

Earlier this week Steve Tattersfield, north captain for 2017, gathered his players for a final large scale rehearsal – not just anywhere though but at next month’s venue Close House itself! A tasty bit of one-upmanship on the opposition, only slightly marred by the non-attendance of a couple of team members. The group played both of the courses on which the match will be fought out come May, the Colt and the Filly, and sent back  Continue reading

South preparations begin in earnest

The London Club

The London Club

Home to two world class courses, the London Club in Kent was the fortunate venue selected by the South to host a team get-together a week or two ago. In fact, given their wide and varied commitments, this was captain Pete Burke’s last opportunity to get the whole group together prior to the upcoming match. The players descended on Kent from far and wide and were rewarded with a fair, if Continue reading

North retain the Cup after stunning contest

North captain graciously accepts trophy

Lister accepts trophy

At the end of two tough and thrilling days it was a jubilant North team who had managed to tap their deepest reserves to take the match 13 – 11, despite having lagged for long periods of the contest. South came away with a lot of credit though – it was a renewal to rank alongside those close and tense affairs of 2007, 09 and 11 rather than the one-sided aberration of two years ago. Led brilliantly by Whitworth they came  Continue reading

Saturday Play Report – Nip and tuck

The away team

A gloriously sunny Cornish day greeted the teams for the 12 singles matches which would decide the 2015 Ryder Cup on the fearsome Nicklaus Signature course. The draw had seen Whitworth put his big guns out early whilst Lister threw in a curve ball with the selection in the number two slot of Steve ‘not a sacrifice’ Callaghan who would duly succumb 5&4 to Burke. Continue reading

Friday Play Report – Records tumble

The home team on first tee Friday

The home team

The seventh Ryder Cup Challenge saw a new day one format, with the Foursomes being held in the morning followed by the Fourballs in the afternoon on St Mellion’s Kernow course. The plan was to avoid the frantic lunchtime turn-around which had become a familiar aspect of previous matches. It certainly worked with players not only able to enjoy a leisurely lunch Continue reading

2015 handicaps finalised

Handicap committee

Some serious wrangling

The captains got their heads together, then the vice-captains pitched in too, and now thankfully – after some pretty serious wrangling but without having to resort to professional mediators – we have confirmation of the handicaps for next week. The South team aggregate is 203 versus 207 for the North – a little surprising and probably the first time the southerners have come in as apparently the better golfers on paper. Continue reading