Saturday’s Play Report from Our Own Correspondent

That's how close it was, really

That’s how close it was, really

Hostilities resumed at a more civilised hour on Saturday morning, with the eight Singles matches to be played over the 18 holes of the Lakes Course, and the overall score standing at 3½-4½. In the clash of the captains Moyle beat a distinctly the-worse-for-wear Hardwick 5&4 whilst Forster kept the North noses ahead with a brilliant display which saw off Lake 3&2.

After Hewson had beaten Hooley to level the match score at 5½ each, blows were exchanged as Callaghan beat Bell 7&6 whilst a revitalised Batch defeated Marcus 8&7. Cole then put the South ahead with a 5&4 coup over Mounatin but Horner struck back for the North with 3&2 over Hordern.

It then came down to the battle between the as yet undefeated Wilkinson (North) and Whorlow for the South. This close encounter eventually swung to Whorlow in the latter stages and a 3&2 win snatched the cup for a South side who had looked dead and buried midway through the previous afternoon’s Foursomes. Bouncebackability before it had even been invented!